Here is a brief description of the roles and responsibilites of the Executive Officers at Cranfield and Shrivenham.
CSA President: This post is a part-time paid sabbatical position running from May to April. The President’s role is crucial in guiding the work of the CSA and in representing you and the student body across both campuses and in the wider community.
Vice President (Cranfield): (an equivalent position exists at Shrivenham). The Vice Presidents sit on the Board of Trustees, the highest authority within the CSA, but are also important members of their local Executive Committee, providing an important link between strategy and representation. They may be required to stand in for the President at some meetings, and specifically sit on the University Health & Safety Committee. Vice Presidents have a particular role to play in driving and co ordinating campaigns and activities on their campus. The Vice President (Cranfield) oversees the two-way communication through School and Course Representatives to the students, and ensures that all runs smoothly. This is the ideal role for someone who wants to contribute to and be involved in everything that is going on at the CSA. A separate information pack is available for this position which deals with the details of the Trustee/Executive roles.
Green & Residences Officer: This post provides a range of options within the environmental sphere, and the successful candidate would be able to choose projects and campaigns that particularly interest them. The Green Officer sits on the University Environment Committee, the Waste Management Committee, Residential Board, Green Travel Plan Committee and the Fairtrade Committee, and provides an important liaison with the University “Green Team”. They also co-ordinate the Hall Representatives, providing a link between campus residents and the Executive.
International Students Officer: International students often have different requirements, interests and sometimes bring dependents that need support. The International Officer makes sure international students get their say, and also plays a large role in organising International Weekend and other events targeting international students. This post is elected in May so that the Officer is available to welcome and support international students when they arrive in September and October; they must be available to work during registration week and the first week of the new academic year.
Communications Officer: The Communications Officer is responsible for the promotion of the CSA to students and ensuring that they are fully informed about CSA activities. This will include managing websites, social media sites and the team producing CranVoice. They will also be responsible for supplying material for University display screens.
Events Officer: The Events Officer oversees a wide range of student activities. They are involved in the provision of entertainment in the CSA and elsewhere, and may organise particular events. They also provide the link between the Clubs & Societies Committee and the CSA. A post that has plenty of opportunity for the Officer to work on the events that are of personal interest. The Events Officer also updates the CSA Events Facebook page.
Off-Campus Students Officer: Represents the interests of students living off-campus. Provides support and advice to these students, especially during the Autumn term, when students are new to off-campus life. Organises social events and contributes to the off-campus Facebook group.
Secretary: Takes and publishes minutes of Cranfield Executive committee meetings.
Welfare Officer: A wide ranging post that deals with all non academic aspects of student life. A great role for someone to find out what students want improved, and then to work to fulfil those needs. The Welfare Officer should select a campaign and run with it. They may also sit on some University committees such as the Welfare and Residential Boards and the Green Travel Plan Committee.
School Research Students Representatives: One position for each of SATM, SEEA and SOM. Provide a voice for students in individual schools, reflecting the differing priorities and local needs of students. Concentrate on finding out what improvements students want, and then working on a campaign to meet those needs. Sit on the schools Management Committee, representing the views of research students. Sit on the pan‑University Research Committee, dealing with matters that impact research students across the University. The latter is a Senate sub-committee, and hence a very senior body within the University with wide-ranging powers. Arrange regular meetings to determine student opinion, discuss issues and communicate information from the CSA or University.
School Education Representatives: One position for each school. Sit on the school Management Committee, representing taught course student views. Sit on the pan‑University Education Committee, dealing with matters that impact students across the University. The latter is a Senate sub-committee, and hence a very senior body within the University with wide-ranging powers. Arrange regular meetings to determine student opinion, discuss issues and communicate information from the CSA or University. The School Representatives have a vital role to play in encouraging students to engage with the CSA, attend the AGM/Council, vote in elections and nominate staff for the Student-Led Teaching Awards. Provide the link between Course Representatives and the CSA and should maintain these communications through the year.
Vice President (Shrivenham): (an equivalent position exists at Cranfield). The Vice Presidents sit on the Board of Trustees, the highest authority within the CSA, but are also important members of their local Executive Committee, providing an important link between strategy and representation. They may be required to stand in for the President at some meetings, and specifically sit on the University Health & Safety Committee. Vice Presidents have a particular role to play in driving and co ordinating campaigns and activities on their campus. The Vice President (Cranfield) oversees the two-way communication through School and Course Representatives to the students, and ensures that all runs smoothly. This is the ideal role for someone who wants to contribute to and be involved in everything that is going on at the CSA. There are two Vice-Presidents, one for each of the Cranfield and Shrivenham campuses. They are elected only by those students studying on the relevant campus. They provide leadership, representation and communication working closely with their respective Executive Committees. Vice-Presidents are elected for one year.
Secretary/Welfare Officer: Produces the Executive meeting minutes; administers NUS/ISIC cards; provides support and guidance for students in non-academic aspects of student life. Works with other Officers to plan events and campaigns; helps run CSA drop-in sessions. Requires someone who is well organised and proactive. A great position for someone who wants to find out what students want improved, and then to works to fulfil those needs.
Social Officer (Shrivenham campus): The Social Officer’s primary role is identifying events and activities of interest to students and taking the lead on organising these events. They will also be expected to represent the CSA at events and update the CSA Shrivenham Facebook page. They will also liaise with the Defence Academy Mess and other social groups to make the most of what’s on offer at Shrivenham.
Treasurer: Plans the CSA Shrivenham annual budget, administers payments for events and merchandise; maintains accounts; liaises with General Manager to produce annual accounts including collection of receipts etc for audit. Works with other Officers to plan events and campaigns for students; helps run the CSA drop-in session; administers the CSA educational grants. This is an enjoyable and fulfilling role for an organised individual who likes working with university staff and students on academic and non-academic aspects of student life.