Consulting Society


Diekola Onaolapo


The main mission of the Consulting Society is to support Cranfield students who are interested in a career in consulting with a platform where they can network and acquire skills that are essentials to be successful consultant.

Our society aims to create a space where students can meet and learn about the consulting industry in general, the application process and the skills needed as a consultant in various fields.

Our objectives are to:

  • Provide students with an overview of management consulting to assist them to prioritize their career preferences.
  • Equip those students with the desire to pursue a career in management consulting with the resources needed to successfully navigate their intensive recruitment pipelines.
  • Build and maintain the reputation of Cranfield University with management consulting firms and ensure its future viability with succession planning.
  • Support networking opportunities through various guest speakers from the industry.
  • Establish close relationships between current students and Cranfield Alumni in order to create a real life picture of the job requirements.

Throughout the year, we will be active with talks, seminars and webinars by experts to share the latest trends in the consulting industry. We’ll also be organising networking events with recruiters and associates as well as building skills via worked case study’s, interview case simulation sessions and expert panels.

We welcome any student who wishes to learn more about consulting, to enrich a network within the industry or to further strengthen the skills needed to uccessfully perform during the application process. For becoming a member, please contact