Get Involved
There are lots of different ways to get involved with your CSA. You could…
…become a Student Officer on the CSA Executive Committee?
The CSA Executive Committees help to shape and influence the direction of the Students’ Association, providing representation, support and the opportunity to develop into new and exciting areas. There are elections each October and April – take a look to see what interests you!
…be a course representative?
At the beginning of the year, each taught course will be looking to elect a course representative. If you become a course representative, contact the CSA to link up with other course reps across campus and have a look at the course reps page for information about your role.
…join or help run a Club and Society?
Our clubs and societies are run by students who are passionate about their interests. They aren’t paid in any way and volunteer to give up their time and effort to organise a club or society. So the more people that get involved and help them to run the clubs or societies, the more active and fun the club/soc becomes. Help to make your club/soc the best and contact them to offer a hand.
…organize national and international parties/events?
Have a great idea for a fantastic party or event, then let us know. We’ll help you plan and organise it because the best parties and events that everyone remembers are usually those you organise yourselves!
…run our Olympics or World Cup tournaments?
Throughout the year we need volunteers to help at some of the larger scale events. If you would like to get involved contact the CSA.
…join in
Okay, maybe standing for election isn’t for you but it is important that you exercise your democratic right to vote, so make sure you’re fully informed and cast your vote on who will represent you.