Board of Trustees
Cranfield Students’ Association is a charitable organisation and is governed by a Board of Trustees. It is responsible for the governance and financial and strategic management of the CSA.
The Trustee Board consists of three Officer Trustees and two Student Trustees elected bi-annually by secret cross campus ballot and three External Trustees, appointed by a simple majority vote of the CSA’s Appointments Committee. The Board is supported by the senior management team.
In particular the Board of Trustees has the following roles:
To ensure that everything we do benefits the students at Cranfield University. As the CSA is a registered charity with set aims and objectives, we are required to ensure that everything we do benefits the students. As well as monitoring what the CSA is doing now, the Trustee Board approves our strategic plan, ensuring that we will continue to benefit future generations of Cranfield students.
To ensure that the CSA continues to be financially solvent. If the CSA is to carry on benefiting students, it must have the money both in the short and long term to do this. For example, the Trustees have to approve all significant items of expenditure and the annual budget.
To ensure that the CSA doesn’t break any laws or regulations relating to the work that we carry out. There are many laws and regulations that we have to follow to provide services for students. The Board is legally responsible to ensure that we operate within the law.