How We’re Run
Every student at Cranfield University is automatically a member of Cranfield Students’ Association (CSA). The task of governing the CSA’s many activities is undertaken by a small group of committees. All of these have elected student members. The CSA is a democratic body that involves students at every level of its decision making – and every year we hold elections when you vote to elect the Student Executive Committees at Cranfield and Shrivenham campuses to represent you and campaign on issues that affect you.
As a charity the CSA has a Board of Trustees to oversee the key decisions relating to the future of the Association and the Board sets the long term direction of the organisation and makes the big decisions on the financial and legal aspects of the CSAs activities. The Trustees are made up of 2 elected student trustees, 3 student officer trustees and 3 appointed external trustees and their role is to ensure that the association is working for the benefit of our members.